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Homophobic education

This one is about a main issue of mine.

To put it briefly , education is homophobic. Why do I say this? This is because of Sex education classes. As a bisexual with a girlfriend within secondary school , I did not know how lesbian sex worked. This was because I was never taught it. Infact the only thing about lesbian sex that I knew was 'scissoring '.

So instead of a text book or a teacher , I had PornHub and Google . And I'm still finding out facts about lesbian sex today ,such as dental dams for oral sex.

I think that lesbian or gay sex should be taught as a compulsary in sex education , because this will lead to more safe sex among the LGBT community then people simply guessing.

But why a compulsary ? Because people dont know if they are gay or not when a teenager. There are stories all the time of men with wives and children coming out as gay. It is more likey for a person to come out as gay then a gay person to say 'actually I'm straight '. Therefore , to be wary for instances such as this, homosexual sex education should be taught as a compulsary because teenagers relying on Porn for how to have sex and have a unknown knowldege of how to be safe , is just wrong .

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