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A sense of community

LGBTQ+ is a community. LGBTQIAP stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual/gender, Questioning, Asexual, Pansexual/ Polyamorous. LGBTQ+ is not a term to define people but rather terms to belong within the community, which is misconnected. Today 2 people asked me ‘why is questioning in LGBT?’ and ‘Why is intersex there?’ This is what I said.

Questioning is in LGBTQ+ because it means that if someone is questioning their sexuality then they can belong with this COMMUNITY. They don’t have to define their sexuality to feel as though they do/don’t belong within a group. The idea of belonging to a community is what the LGBTQ+ community is all about.

Why is intersex there? Because the LGBTQ+ community is for those who differ from the ‘normal’ sexuality or gender. Intersex is a variation in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, or genitals that do not allow an individual to be distinctly identified as male or female. Such variation may involve genital ambiguity, and combinations of chromosomal genotype and sexual phenotype other than XY-male and XX-female. This a gender in itself in some cases where people identify as intersex rather then choose to be male or female.

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