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As promised , I will talk about feminism but it has come to my attention that the topic of feminism is rather not understood or is stretched to extremes which causes it to be stigmatised.

Feminism , originally, is the idea of equal rights among men and women , to which is till not met today. A common example of this is the gender pay gap, the inequality that women are paid less then men for the same job.

However, when thinking about feminism the name that comes to mind is 'FemiNazi' which is a way to explain radical feminists who have radical thoughts or do things that are seen as deviant . But these actions by these so called 'FemiNazi's always have a reason which is undermined. A common saying that is linked with feminism is "all men are pigs " which is based on the many years of patriarchy and sexism young women had to go through in the past that were caused my men. Women were made submissive and sexualised to the point were they were seen as 'babymakers' then people. A thing for men to use. So if you ever hear a phrase like this, just remember why a feminist may say it.

Other actions as not wearing a bra or free-flowing ( the act of not using sanitary products when on periods ) are made to seen as deviant but the action overshadows the meaning. The act of free-flowing may seem to be gross but its protesting against the fact that women's sanitary products , such as tampons , are still seen as 'luxuries ' rather then necessities and we still have to pay up to £10 a month ( £120 a year) and families in poverty that cannot pay means that women and young girls in education cannot go to work/school for 5-7 days because they cannot afford necessities. Bras have become a unwanted necessity for women as from ages as young as 10 , girls are made to wear bras , even when they do not have to . Bras can be a necessity for some women due to large breasts, but for a 13 year old girl, it should be a choice.

I do not class myself as a radical feminist but I am a feminist. A feminist that can see the point behind the action and if you think as to why women say "all men are pigs" or why a women chooses not to wear a bra , then the action doesn't seem too bad .

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