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Another stigma in society is mental health , especially among men . Mental health is very dangerous as it can be severe , it is invisible and it can cause be the cause of death for many .

I have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety , along side many other members of my family. My dad and my aunts take pills for their anxiety and my great granddad died from depression , he committed suicide .

Mental health is dangerous but has help , for example, the many free counselling options for people and mental health first aiders . But one thing is not being conquered . Owning up to it . Many people who have these mental illnesses simply brush it off because the idea of being 'mentally ill ' seems embarrassing.

The issue of not being able to come to terms that , yes you have depression and you need help , may be from society's views of ' no , you're just having a bad day ' .

Bu depression isn't just being sad , it is feeling fine at 8 am and the suddenly feeling like crap at 8 pm . It is doubting yourself and not just hating yourself .

Anxiety isn't just being 'overly worried' , it is being scared , it is thinking about something randomly about any situation and then panicking that it might happen , not matter how silly. I use to panic on my way to school if I didn't see someone in my year , thinking that I didn't know the school must of been closed or something .

Being suicidal doesn't mean you want to hang yourself every minute of every day , it also means not taking care of yourself because , in a way, you don't care. It can mean missing meals sometimes , not showering or even drinking energy drinks constantly hoping that one day it may take effect on your general health or shorter your life span .

Mental health is always misunderstood or pushed aside but if you do show any symptoms , talk to someone cause it could be serious or just a bad day , but it is always good to make sure and not leave it to a serious stage to then pick it up , like I did because I didn't know I had depression till I had a breakdown and ended up not going to school for almost half a year.

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