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Therapy with asperges syndrome

As mentioned in an earlier post , I have been diagnosed with Asperges Sydrome aswell as anxiety and depression which means that I am in weekly therapy . 

Although therapy (CBT) can be helpful for others , with my experience it is not helpful , especially since empathy or sympathy is not a strong place for me and sometimes I cannot recognise my own emotions so most of the time my answers are 'I don't know ' which means I don't actually know rather than I don't want to tell you which many therapists assume . 

Another problem with therapy with asperges is that my therapist often creates more problems for my anxiety as they often assume something because of my asperges, for example , I will be moving out of London soon and my therapist thinks my anxiety is due to a new environment, which it doesn't as I am fine with new environment and used to them due to being abroad a lot as a child , yet due to my therapist pushing this idea on me , it has created anxiety of this situation , rather than what is actually causes me anxiety and depression. 

What I am saying is , if you do have asperges or you are a therapist , LISTEN and don't assume because although it may be out of good will , it creates more problems than resolutions . 

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