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Popping ones own cherry

Hello! Sorry I have been a bit late with updating but I have been doing a lot with universities and have been working with youth centres taking about Gender identity and LGBTQ+ . 

Today I am going to be talking about ‘popping ones own cherry’ AKA Female masturbation! 

Females masturbate! Get over it ! When talking about female masturbation there seems to be a lot of stigma around the subject and in fact not many females/ girls do it. But why? 

Well I didn’t start masturbating till I was 16 and that was simply because I didn’t know about it, I was never taught about a clitoris or pleasure in sex about general. It was an obvious stereotype that boys/males masturbate but clearly girls were kept hush hush about that. I actually started masturbating on accident . It was during exam time so I was very stressed and I feared that I had got a yeast infection because i was itchy around my labia majora and instead of wanting to see a doctor I wanted to conduct my own examination in a way. So I had a feel around downstairs. That’s when I found my clit and found out that when I touched it , it was nice so I kept doing it and soon had my first self orgasm. I feel like if I was taught earlier about my clit and about pleasure I would of been masturbating a lot sooner and maybe wouldn’t have such bad anxiety . 

Now that I knew I could masturbate , my greatest fear was ‘ was this normal for girls to do?’ and infact I didn’t meet another girl that masturbated till college. Even now I only know about 3 that do. Sometimes other girls were curious and ask what we were talking about and we would say ‘masturbation ‘ and that normally led to a lesson of telling them how females could masturbate. But still it hasn’t been normalised weirdly enough . Now that I’ve told you about female masturbation of myself and my friends . Why do I do it? 

Well not only does it feel really nice , it helps a lot with my anxiety and depression as masturbation reduces stress and produces that little chemical that makes you happy. So whenever I’m feeling down , I have a wank. Not only that but because of my anxiety I often get headaches a lot and masturbation is a great way to relieve pain, especially period pain so those who have periods , have a wank when you’ve got cramps . I am also a victim to insomnia most nights so if I can’t sleep and I don’t want to take my pills because they scare me then masturbating is a great way to make me feel tiered and I often fall asleep after it. 

Masturbation is a great way to help mental health, pain and also just makes you feel good. So why are we not taught about this? Sure it may be awkward for a teacher to go ‘here’s how you masturbate ‘ but that’s what teaching sex ed is like. A big ball of awkward tension . But you still have to do it .  

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