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Rememberance day rainbow poppies

So a lot of people are starting absolute carnage over the idea of a rainbow poppy....despite the fact that queer people also served in WW1. 

For my non UK readers (i surprisingly have a lot) this is remembrance day: 

Ww1 was considered one of worst wars and was the first major war of the 20th century. Its death toll was unbelievable . New weapons were introduced, it was nothing like before. On the 11th of November 1918 , specifically at 11 am , ceasefire was called and after poppies started to grow on the battlefield, signifying those who died and the start of a new era....but it didn't help cause we had another war 20 years later. Anyway, on Rememberance day (11th November) we wear a poppy to remember those who have died in wars. Then at 11am we do a minute of silence. 

Sweet right? So whats wrong? 

Well, I'm not sure how this started but it started and someone created a rainbow poppy and of course everyone went crazy! 

But there is a particular response i want to focus on . There was this tweet that i saw on my (unfortunately) cousins facebook (christmas will be tense!) that read: 

'Why am i seeing rainbow poppies being made , not to be rude but there is a whole month dedicated to the LGBT community, can the heroes that fought for our countru have the ONE day to be remembered without it being about sexuality.  Its gone too far now' 

Naturally i shared the post with my own faults and wow my family is more homophobic than i thought! (Tense christmas) 

So here are my thoughts.  

Lets start with the idea of a rainbow poppy. 

People forget that there were queer soldiers , maybe closeted cause if people knew they would be shot, but still they existed . Trans soldiers were not recognised for their gender and in fact were not recognised at all! If a soldier was found to be gay not only would they be shot but they was also sent to the front lines. Over 500 were found and thats just those who were out nevermind the ones closeted. And not only were they shot or imprisoned (if lucky) but they also were discriminated againsy by their own fellow soldiers, there is even a few accounts of soldiers commoting suicide by walking into no mans land.  

And my second issue with this is the fact we get a whole month!: 

Also we have 1 month. 1 MONTH! while straight cis people have 11! But no thats okay because we have 1 month....1 month where almost every corporate company sticks a rainbow on the logo , 1 month where people acknowledge our existence , 1 month where its extremeley bad to be homophobic but all the other times its just bad. 1 month where we probably won't get kicked out of our homes. 1 month where we think we are safe but turns out we are not since homophobic and transphobic abuse actually goes up in June. 1 month where the goveremnt have the conversation again about trana rights but guess what they are still against it . So excuse me for wanting more than 1 month to exist. 

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